Here she is at 5 hours.
I can hardly begin to describe the emotions.
Kim's waters broke at 10:00pm last night, contractions started at 11:00 and we were in the birthing pool at around midnight. It was an ordeal for Kim, and for me as the support person, of eight hours of intense contractions, almost without break.
I retreated from the yurt to the house for a few minutes around 6:00am, leaving Kim in the very capable and gentle hands of Beatle our midwife. Claire, Danielle and Sonia had been up all night and were hanging out in the kitchen while the girls (who had also been up and popping into the yurt from time to time) watched "Mrs Doubtfire." I could hardly contain my emotions, it was so hard watching my lover go through such pain, and I took a moment to breakdown and let my own tears flow.
Once outside again I looked at the stars for a few minutes then Kim's crying called me back.
When the moment finally came it all happened very quickly. We had been out of the pool for about three hours, when Kim felt it might be helpful to go back in. Within half an hour, at 6:50am her hairy head pushed through and on the next push it was all over. She came straight up onto Kim's chest to be embraced by us both and she gave a few little whimpers, but looked straight at us with big inquisitive eyes.

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