Yesterday I put up the Yurt, as a cover for the birthing pool. The night before Kim had come back from the cinema reporting contractions every seven minutes. That got my adreneline pumping. It was a night of checking the clock but by morning things had became quiet again.
Then I checked my email I discovered a blessing from Ruth Tai, who I have been working with. It was confirmation that she supported
Hirini in his suggestion that the
Haka For Life workshop which is taking place on Waiheke on the 29th, be dedicated to the new life we are awaiting:
I would like to dedicate this Haka For Life event
to the birth of your baby.
The dawning of a new vision.
Maioha mai ra te mokopuna
Bring Forth the Grand Child,
Bring Forth the Abundance (Mai oha)
I am deeply moved by the many expressions of love and support for this new soul, who is about to land, and feel confident that she has chosen an amazing community in which to arrive.
After breakfast I went to work and put up the wall, door frame. As I was putting the rafters in place a heard a loud splash in the ocean directly below. I turned to see the white left by . . . dolphins! There were about 20 bottle nose dolphins cavorting close in at the base of the cliff, which could be seen easily in that section of view framed by the door!

After sharing this delight with Kim, I went on to complete the roof and then created a simple cover by covering the frame with blankets, curtains, towels, even an old paraglider. This formed an attractive lining and offers a little insulation. Using some borrowed tarps I was able to finish the cover.