When Kim walked into the Yurt with Zuva this afternoon, dressed in her summer's best, my heart lept with joy at seeing her look so totally gorgeous. What a funny business this parenting gig is. Full of surprises.
It's a pleasure to watch as Zuva's mouth makes all these delightful shapes as she experiments with making sounds. What a joy. And her eyes fairly sparkle as she does it knowing that she has captured our attention.
Six weeks now and she is starting to communicate with her eyes and with sounds that are totally delightful - and fun totry and mimmick :) a sort of gutteral aggggha, and something that is almost a chuckle. What joy!
It was warm and sunny yesterday, and Zuva had some time to play naked on a new blanket. It was such a delight to see her intention to move, even though the body parts are not quite coordinated sufficiently yet, she was happy to keep trying.
You can see her efforts to get her tongue into her mouth - she has almost made it a few times over the last week - it won't be long. She often settles with someone's finger in her mouth, and if she has her own to use it could be quite helpful.
A few nights ago, without a finger, I had the most beautiful moment of singing her to sleep, singing Pökarekare ana, and rocking her gently, while cradled in my arms. It could also have something to do with the sore back I have at the moment :)